Ways to Deal with Menstrual Cramps

Home Remedies for Migraine and Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual migraines and menstrual cramps: we have all felt them, some months more than others, but they should never stop us. Why do menstrual migraines occur? Migraines are attributed to low levels of estrogen and progesterone, both of which are important hormones in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. However, the root causes of headaches that usually begin two or three days prior to menstruation are still unknown. Migraines may also occur during and following menstruation.

Symptoms of menstrual migraines may include throbbing on one side of the head, usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise and light, and may or may not be associated with the appearance of an aura in the form of flashes of light, blind spots or occasionally tingling in the face and/or extremities.


Menstrual headaches are usually stronger than non-menstrual headaches and do not respond well to pharmacological treatment. Over-the-counter pain relievers are not monitored by a doctor and some of them can cause allergic reactions or side effects, which is why they are not recommended for regular use during each menstrual cycle.


Many people are familiar with home remedies for menstrual cramps, but what about home remedies for severe headaches associated with the menstrual cycle? No, they are n/ot. Many of them work well for both conditions and allow you to avoid abusing pain relievers.


Below we provide some tricks that our grandmothers used to relieve severe headaches, especially menstrual migraines. Today these treatments also have scientific support. They work as home remedies for menstrual pain as well. Trying these tips may help you create the best conditions to live your daily life.

Ginger tea or chewing a piece of ginger root is the most effective home remedy. Its effectiveness has been proven in comparison to pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicine. It prevents fluid retention, a symptom that can be associated with menstrual migraines. Eat foods rich in B vitamins (brewer's yeast, green vegetables, fish, nuts, tomatoes). Shakes and smoothies: grapes (most highly recommended), cucumber, carrots, spinach, beets, pineapple, broccoli. Preferably, they should be homemade and prepared fresh, so that they retain all their nutrients. If possible, without sugar. Healthy, moisturizing and pain relieving. You can drink several a day.

Dandelion lemonade. Its diuretic and pain relieving properties have been described. In addition to relieving migraines, it also relieves menstrual cramps.


One of the main recognized causes of migraines is dehydration. On premenstrual and menstrual days, it is essential to maintain good hydration, with high consumption of water, fruits, vegetables and smoothies. Hydration not only reduces a headache that is already present, but it can also prevent it if precautions are taken a few days before.

Another healthy way to relieve menstrual migraines is to eat several small, light meals a day. Your diet should be balanced and include dry fruits, cereals, honey and yogurt, in addition to fruits and vegetables. Fiber-rich foods should be included to avoid constipation. Avoid white bread and chocolate.

Relaxing for ten minutes while massaging your temples with your index fingers can provide the energy you need to continue your day, even with a severe headache. The massage should be done in a counterclockwise direction. If appropriate in your surroundings, eucalyptus, mint or almond oil can be used, or another oil with a mild fragrance. It's a great idea to try to keep your mind blank for those ten minutes.

Mild exercise (walks to the park, dog walks, yoga exercises, relaxing activities) are a great support for keeping your body pain free. You may not be in the mood for exercise during your period, but your body will welcome moderate exercise and breathing fresh air in a park.

For some women, a relaxing activity could be reading; for others it is a resting or taking a nap; for others, music or dance. If your cycle is regular, implement hydration and relaxation routines during the two days prior to your period and you will see good results. If your cycle is not regular, when you feel the aura or any minor discomfort, start the routines.

And most importantly, remember: each one of us is unique. Get to know your body and what kind of activity or diet works for you. But if the pain does not subside and it impacts your daily life, see your doctor.

Have you tried these and did you see results? Tell us about your experience. Do you know about other home remedies that have been effective? Share them with us.

SOURCES: r. Aldo Rodríguez Izquierdo (2010). Impact of menstrual migraines on women today. [Online]. Available at: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gin/vol_36_03_10/gin15310.htm Marta Vicente (2017). Headache during menstruation: causes and natural remedies-ONsalus, [Online]. Available at: https://www.onsalus.com/dolor-de-cabeza-durante-la-menstruacion-causas-y-remedios-naturales-19565.html


According to gynecologists, irregular periods are common two years after the first period or when menopause approaches; but it can also be caused by other factors, such as:


excessive weight loss could affect your menstrual cycle.


anxiety and stress can lead to excessive production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which can interfere with your menstrual cycle.


intense exercises cause the production of hormones like endorphins or ACTH that can impact your period.


if you change contraceptives, your hormone levels may vary and interfere with your cycle.


polycystic ovaries, hyperthyroidism and hyperprolactinemia are the most worrisome causes of an irregular period.


fibrosis in the uterus such as endometriosis; uterine fibroids; tumors or Asherman's syndrome are the primary causes of irregular menstrual periods.

Any of these factors could be affecting your menstrual cycle. It is important that you monitor your body closely and rule out a hormonal variation caused by polycystic ovaries or hyperthyroidism, as well as the gynecological diseases already mentioned.


Although you already know that your irregular period is not normal, you should worry if:

Your period disappears for several months in a row.


You have frequent inter-menstrual bleeding that exceeds 80 ml per day.

You have continuous abdominal pain.

Your menstruation occurs intermittently, one month it does and the next it does not.

The texture of the flow is lighter or thicker for each period.

Although experts agree that an irregular menstrual cycle is not a warning sign in itself, it should be a reason to talk to your gynecologist. The only way to get answers to your question about your irregular period is by seeing an expert. In addition, once you know the cause of the irregularity, you can take action or learn to live with it.

Remember that even if you have an irregular period, you can still keep an irregular menstrual calendar that can help you know the days of your cycle.


  1.  (2018). Main causes of irregular menstruation. Accessed at:


      2.(2013) What causes irregular menstrual periods? Accessed at:


      3. (2015). Irregular menstruation. Accessed at:


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