Ways to Deal with Menstrual Cramps

What to Do so that Menstruation Does not Leak at School? We Have Very Good Tips

No one deserves to be away from home and have to deal with a leaky period. So, no more hassle when you're menstruating! We have compiled the best tips to avoid leaky periods in the most common situations that every girl faces. You will become experts on what to do to keep your period from leaking!

1)Understand your menstrual cycle

Keep track of your cycle and put the main information about it in your menstrual calendar. Doing this is important for you to notice your patterns: When is the day that your period will be the heaviest? And the first? The second? Do you have spotting (those little drops of blood in your panties) before getting your actual period? Or do you have spotting at the end... and for how many days? With the menstrual calendar you can gather important information to best plan for your cycle and understand when you're more likely to leak.

2) Choose the right sanitary product for each moment

Now that you understand your cycle, you can think about the right sanitary product for each moment of it. When you have the heaviest flow, try a high protection product, to allow breathability such as the Kotex Luxe Ultrathin 32cm [Note: Change to local market product]. When the cycle is at its end, you can opt for Kotex Liners Daily Fresh [Note: Change to local market product], for greater freedom.

At night, mainly when it's the day of your heaviest flow, opt for the Kotex Super Overnight Pad or Kotex Overnight Panties [Note: Change to local market product] that "hugs" your panties, making sure it fits just right so that you're nice and relaxed. You don't need to use the same kind of sanitary product for your whole period, and knowing the days when you need extra protection will help you get organized.

3)Think about the different situations.

Each situation has its own needs. At school, for example, you know when you'll have physical education. You also already know that on exam day going to the bathroom can get a little more complicated and time consuming. There are also those days when you have dance or swimming lessons. Avoiding leaky periods is also about preparing yourself for everyday life, for your routine.

Before leaving the house, take a look in your purse or backpack and see how many pads or tampons you have and for what situations. Always have enough for changes until the end of the day - and after you've done the math, add one more, just in case.

4) Change your pad or tampon at the right time

The recommended way to avoid leaks is to change the pad every 4 hours, so you feel more relaxed. But if this is a day with a heavy flow, think about your needs - there's no problem changing it more often. Now, if you realize that you can't even wear the same pad for two hours and you already have a leak, maybe you should opt for a more protective one and talk about your flow with your gynecologist.

If you're using a tampon, it's best to change it every 4 hours, but there's no problem is you need to change it before that. The main thing is to observe your body and understand its rhythm, so that you can anticipate any leakage.

And don't forget: the maximum time to wear any tampon is 8 hours. Becoming an expert at changing your pad or tampon is the best way to avoid leakage and guarantee vaginal health.

5) Apply your pad or tampon correctly

This means that for a pad, it needs to be properly attached. Place it in the middle of your panties, wrap it around them with the tabs of the pad and press lightly on the fabric to make sure that it is well attached, that the sticky part sticks down correctly, and that the tabs are tight.

Test the fit of the pad just before you leave the bathroom, move around a bit, and see if it is protecting both the front and the back - if it feels a little weird or "wobbly", you will feel it and can adjust it.

If you're using a tampon,be sure to put it in and push until you no longer feel it on the outside. This way you also prevent it from leaking during the hours of use.

6) If necessary, use extra protection

You can use a tampon combined with a panty liner, for example. On those days when your flow is heavy - or you're wearing a white dress - using the double protection of a tampon plus pad or liner could be a way to relax more.

Understanding your body, your flow and what sanitary products are best to use makes all the difference. The more you know yourself, the less accidents happen 😊

Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.